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Original Text (Annotation: EAW003347 / 2066407)

' Main Erecting Shop production line designated W1, for many Vickers Armstrongs aircraft including some if not all Vickers Wellingtons (maybe elsewhere production took place as well during WW2). Post war production of Vickers Vikings, Valletta's & Varsity aircraft. Late 1940's into 1950's all Vickers Valiant 4 jet "V" bomber production, a few Vickers Viscounts were produced between end of Valiant production and 1st Vickers Vanguard G-AOYW flight on 20th January 1959, all subsequent Vanguard production was carried out in W1. Then from 1961 into 1962 the Vickers VC10 production carried out in W1 where fuselage & wings were married up, then to be transferred across the airfield to the 2 newer facilities of final construction "The Abbey" and "Cathedral". '