Adrodd fel Amhriodol
Testun Gwreiddiol (Anodiad: EPW045557 / 1399741)
3, Goodliffe Street, Poplar. The home of William and Mary Curtis and their children Jane, Johnny and Henry in 1870.
Their daughter Eliza was born at this address 08-05-1870.
Five months later on 08-10-1870 the father William Curtis died of pneumonia at this address. He was working at a glass factory and fainted there one day. He was moved to a draughty corridoor where he caught a chill and died some days later. Mary made the decision to take the children back to Bedworth, which she did. On their return her eldest son Benjamin (now 9yrs) was still living with his Grandparents. He never returned to live with his mother. On 15-11-1873 the daughter Eliza died of measles. Jane, Johnny and Henry never left Bedworth. Benjamin however led a troubled life, moving to Leamington, Nuneaton and finally Coventry in 1900. He died 03-03-1917. His mother Mary died in Bedworth 26-09-1902. '