Adrodd fel Amhriodol

Testun Gwreiddiol (Anodiad: EPW039924 / 2030513)

' St. Matthew's School. The West Street Ragged school was opened in 1860 boys and girls, and a new classroom was added in 1870. By 1875, known as the West Street National (later C. of E.) school and occasionally as Trinity National, it was for boys only and there were 169 paying school pence. By 1889 girls were again taught, and in 1907 there were 173 boys and girls and 111 infants on the books. Average attendances fell to 152 in 1921-2 and fluctuated in the 1930s. By 1947 the school had adopted voluntary controlled status and there were 230 children under 11 on its books. From 1958 it took juniors only, and was renamed St. Matthew's C. of E. school. '