Adrodd fel Amhriodol
Testun Gwreiddiol (Anodiad: EPW061725 / 503645)
AA Place name and distance sign. These were erected in large numbers across the country by the AA. They were circular and enamelled in yellow and black with the place name horizontally across the middle in large letters. At the top of the sign was an AA badge motif with Automobile and Association on either side. Next down was a place name and distance in miles and quarter miles. This was a horizontal line in smallish lettering black on yellow. Next down was the large place name horizontally in large yellow lettering on a black band. Below this was another local place name and distance in black lettering on yellow. Then came a line giving London and the distance in miles in a slightly smaller lettering size. The last line at the bottom was "SAFETY FIRST" horizontally black on yellow.
I shall attempt to show an example
So far I am unable to read this particular sign but there is a remote possibility that we shall be able to make it using a larger display screen. '