
Doctor Who Challenge: Adventures in Time and Space
About the group Welcome Doctor Who fans! In this group you can add any filming locations from the 50 years of the TV series that you find here on Britain from Above
Wedi ei greu 18 November 2013
Natasha Scullion |
The hiding place of the Zygon's ship in the 4th Doctor's story; The Terror of the Zygons. It gave us at least one explanation about the Loch Ness Monster!
Natasha Scullion |
Lots of Dr Who locations from the 70s close to where I live.
![]() fender |
Excellent! Have you found many of them on here yet?
Natasha Scullion |
Leeds castle in Kent.Androids of Tara, 1978 Key to Time season. 4th Doctor and Romana 1 seek out the 4th segment of the Key to Time.
![]() PAB1968 |
Brilliant! Such a good story too, the duel at the end was very impressive!
Natasha Scullion |
Brighton beach featured in the opening scene of the 1980 serial The Leisure Hive, as the 4th Doctor and Romana 2 chilled out on the pebbles, with the TARDIS parked in between the beach huts.Poor K9 chased a beach ball into the sea and promptly blew up.
![]() PAB1968 |
Fantastic! Thanks for adding this, poor K9-he only wanted to play 'fetch'!
Natasha Scullion |
St Paul's Cathedral, the scene of the iconic Cyber-march down the steps to signify the start of the Cyberman attack in the 1968 story The Invasion
Natasha Scullion |
As seen in The Pandorica Opens
![]() Brian Wilkinson |
Fantastic! This was certainly one theory as to why Stonehenge was built...
Natasha Scullion |
Top left in this picture is about where the Laporte fullers earth extraction pits were in the 1970's. Not sure which episodes but local lore said that there were a number of sequences filmed here.
![]() BruceR |
Found a link with more details.. |
![]() BruceR |
Hi Bruce, excellent spot, thank you very much for adding it, I wondered if any of those famous quarries would appear here! That website is an excellent resource for this challenge, thanks very much sharing it with us, happy hunting!
Natasha Scullion |
Cardiff Bay, home to a rift in space and time & Torchwood 3! The bay area was used as a filming location for the 2005 Doctor Who Episode 'Boomtown'
Natasha Scullion |
see image record