EPW057836 ENGLAND (1938). Rowntree's Cocoa Works, York, 1938. This image has been produced from a copy-negative.

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Pennawd [EPW057836] Rowntree's Cocoa Works, York, 1938. This image has been produced from a copy-negative.
Cyfeirnod EPW057836
Dyddiad 30-June-1938
Enw lle YORK
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 460500, 453749
Hydred / Lledred -1.0774617647209, 53.976066274497
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SE605537


Level crossing, note how the road has had a twist put in it so as it will cross the railway at 90 degrees and thereby only require short equal length gates. The signal box also works the junction between the Scarborough and Hull lines.

John Wass
Wednesday 28th of October 2015 11:56:39 AM
Ex North Eastern Railway's line to Hull via Market Weighton.

John Wass
Wednesday 28th of October 2015 11:53:49 AM
Ex North Eastern Railway's line to Scarborough via Malton.

John Wass
Wednesday 28th of October 2015 11:52:53 AM