EPW060855 ENGLAND (1939). Southampton Eastleigh Airport, Eastleigh, 1939

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Pennawd [EPW060855] Southampton Eastleigh Airport, Eastleigh, 1939
Cyfeirnod EPW060855
Dyddiad 25-April-1939
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 445048, 116589
Hydred / Lledred -1.3586864929038, 50.946428360993
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SU450166


South Stoneham Cemetery

Monday 29th of August 2022 06:10:01 PM
Supermarine Flight Shed. Erected c,1937. Used for Flight Testing of Supermarine Aircraft, principally the Spitfire, during WW2.

Dave Key
Sunday 28th of February 2021 10:28:43 PM
Cunliffe Owen factory. Constructed in under a year between 1938 and 1939. Used throughout WW2 for aircraft manufacture and repair. Was bombed in September 1940, probably by mistake for the neighbouring Supermarine hangars. Later became part of the Ford factory where the Transit van was made.

Dave Key
Thursday 4th of May 2017 11:05:01 PM

Dave Key
Thursday 4th of May 2017 10:55:08 PM
Vickers-Armstrongs (Supermarine) Ltd. hangars, used for final assembly of the Spitfire throughout WW2.

Dave Key
Thursday 4th of May 2017 10:54:46 PM
Cunliffe-Owen Aircraft Ltd The company undertook contract work for the Air Ministry, Short Brothers and Armstrong Siddeley. Parts for Supermarine Seafire were made by the company, which folded in 1947

Sunday 4th of September 2016 05:07:08 PM
Originally part of the WW1 US Naval Air Force base.

The Hangar was only used for a short period in 1938-39 by Cunliffe Owen. By 1939 Cunliffe Owen had constructed a new factory to the south of these hangars and the hangar was in use by Jersey Airways Ltd.

The hangars immediately to the south belonged to Vickers-Armstrongs (Supermarine) Ltd.

Dave Key
Thursday 4th of May 2017 10:49:36 PM
This is the only way in to the industrial area of the airport for HGV's and this bend is still present, causing jams at peak periods.The name of the road? Wide Lane!

Saturday 28th of September 2013 10:25:27 AM