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Original Text (Annotation: EPW040961 / 1061299)
Does anyone know the name of this pleasure boat? The Burdett Road Jetty was dismantled during the 1939/40 Invasion scares. I don't know who was leasing it from the pier and Foreshore dept. in 1933, the date of this photo. I know every single beach excursion boat in the picture - except for this one. This is one which does not appear as part of our family histopry - and my father's Comp[any owned a number of theses 2pleasure boats", so I had the info. first hand about most of them. But this one is a puzzle. She's not the big Britannia, nor the New Prince of wales,m which are both right where they ought to be at their jetties in the top of the picture. She's slightly-smaller than both of them, but large enough for her Board of Trade Passenger-Carrying Certificate to require her to carry two lifeboats, - but unlike the Britannia and the New prince of wales, this third "large"[sic]passenger boat doesn't have a false funnel - though she seems to have a raised bridge like them.