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Original Text (Annotation: EPW007655 / 213317)
The amount of rolling stock and the cars parked by the race track suggest this might be a race day, although April is rather early in the racing calendar for Epsom and the lack of railway horse boxes possible indicate there is no racing. (Derby Day was the 6th June in 1922 according to a London Transport poster of that year.) This particular train appears to be of rather 'posh' stock, possibly even SE&CR Pullmans in maroon livery with a birdcage break van on the end. In other platforms are trains of six wheeled coaches for the 'hoi pollio', or perhaps I should say 'plebs'. It is possible that the 'posh' race trains are being stored here between their limited service. On a normal day the station possibly only needed one, or at the most two, of its six platforms. Interestingly all platforms and the middle roads (tracks) seem to be full of parked stock, so the trains must have been turned by a second engine. '