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Original Text (Annotation: EPW060538 / 430205)
Manchester Royal Exchange - a "cotton exchange" trading area. As it was before a direct bomb hit in WW2. As seen the building was erected around 1870, and modified and enlarged 1914-1931.
After the bomb damage the clock tower was rebuilt in a much simplified form, and the trading area was halved in size.
The Exchange closed in 1968 and demolition looked possible but in 1976 the large open trading floor was used to hold a three level theatre in the round. The theatre is not resting on the floor, but suspended from the columns supporting the large dome above.
A bomb explosion in 1996 caused damage (moving a dome) which was repaired. This large stone building gave much protection from the blast to the elderly St Anns Church at the end of the square, which only suffered broken glass.