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Original Text (Annotation: EAW028425 / 877215)

' CHURCH OF ST MARK, BUNCER LANE Grade 2* listed building - List entry Number: 1239292 Church sited close to Witton Park on the outskirts of Blackburn and associated with C20 housing. 1836-8 in Romanesque style to the designs of Sharpe (almost certainly Edmund Sharpe). In 1870 the south transept was added. This was designed by Sharpe's successor in the practice, E. G. Paley, to serve as a mausoleum for the Feilden family. Between 1881 and 1887 the church was restored by Paley and Austin who added the north transept and a vestry. Reference: wikipedia [[St Mark's Church, Blackburn]] Image: 2007 photo copyright by Steve Houldsworth. Image licenced under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. Image source [[File:St Mark's Church, Blackburn.jpg]] Pevsner considers it 'one of the most interesting churches in Blackburn'. Later additions and fittings are sympathetic to the style of the original. Originally a separate parish, in 2005 it combined with the parish of St Luke with St Philip to form the Parish of Christ the King It was announced in April 2013: "“The closure of St Mark’s is being considered as part of a response to changing demography in the area, and declining attendance at this church, which currently stands at around 35-40 regular weekly worshippers. “Nothing final has been decided as we are being very careful to go through the right consultation process." '