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The Green.
St Peter and St Paul Church.
In 1840 the old parish church (All Saints) was in such a bad state of repair that the then Rector and lord of the manor, The Reverend Robert Boothby Heathcote, decided to abandon it and build a new church on Chingford Green. Designed by Lewis Vulliamy, it was built at the rector’s own expense (£5000) and was dedicated by the Bishop of London on 18th July 1844.
Chingford was changing; the ‘pleasing rural village’ was becoming a major London suburb- a process speeded up by the coming of the railway in 1873. By the turn of the century, it had already become apparent that a bigger church was required, and Sir Arthur Blomfield drew up plans for an extended chancel and nave aisles, which were completed in 1903 and dedicated by the Bishop of St. Alban’s on 13th June.