EAW022838 ENGLAND (1949). Calshot Shad, River Tweed and the town, Berwick-upon-Tweed, from the south-east, 1949
© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.
Pennawd | [EAW022838] Calshot Shad, River Tweed and the town, Berwick-upon-Tweed, from the south-east, 1949 |
Cyfeirnod | EAW022838 |
Dyddiad | 30-April-1949 |
Dolen | |
Ardal | |
Gwlad | ENGLAND |
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad | 400684, 652560 |
Hydred / Lledred | -1.9890974123002, 55.766402756299 |
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol | NU007526 |
2ndWW anti-tank block line. |
redmist |
Wednesday 5th of October 2022 11:58:42 PM |
? Possible 2ndWW Structure. |
redmist |
Wednesday 5th of October 2022 11:57:12 PM |
2ndWW anti-tank block line. |
redmist |
Wednesday 5th of October 2022 11:55:23 PM |
2ndWW anti-tank block line. |
redmist |
Wednesday 5th of October 2022 11:54:57 PM |
PILLBOX (TYPE FW3/26): e32440 |
Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com |
Tuesday 9th of March 2021 02:47:52 PM |
TRENCH: e46657 |
Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com |
Tuesday 9th of March 2021 02:47:25 PM |
Matt Aldred edob.mattaldred.com |
Tuesday 9th of March 2021 02:46:21 PM |
2ndWW Coastal Artillery Searchlight. |
redmist |
Tuesday 29th of October 2019 09:25:41 PM |
2ndWW Anti- tank blocks. |
redmist |
Tuesday 29th of October 2019 09:24:57 PM |
2ndWW Pillbox. |
redmist |
Tuesday 29th of October 2019 09:24:20 PM |
2ndWW Trench. |
redmist |
Tuesday 29th of October 2019 09:23:54 PM |
This area is now a car park. The attached photo of the three bridges was taken from near here on the 13th October 2015.
melgibbs |
Wednesday 14th of October 2015 06:45:48 PM |
A goods train plods north. |
John Wass |
Wednesday 16th of July 2014 11:21:59 AM |