EPW027586 ENGLAND (1929). The Cliffe Vale Potteries and the Hanley Cemetery, Stoke-on-Trent, 1929. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.
© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.
Delweddau cyfagos (21)
Pennawd | [EPW027586] The Cliffe Vale Potteries and the Hanley Cemetery, Stoke-on-Trent, 1929. This image has been produced from a damaged negative. |
Cyfeirnod | EPW027586 |
Dyddiad | June-1929 |
Dolen | |
Enw lle | STOKE-ON-TRENT |
Plwyf | |
Ardal | |
Gwlad | ENGLAND |
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad | 387182, 346458 |
Hydred / Lledred | -2.1910833617633, 53.014964975409 |
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol | SJ872465 |
In the region of 80 private operators' wagons are visible in the wagon works. Several appear to require attention to drop down doors. |
cidge |
Wednesday 25th of July 2018 12:37:57 AM |
Twyfords sign over entrance to works. |
cidge |
Wednesday 25th of July 2018 12:23:43 AM |
Train passing under a footbridge. |
cidge |
Wednesday 25th of July 2018 12:21:35 AM |
Wagon traverser. |
cidge |
Monday 23rd of July 2018 04:14:52 PM |
Railway wagon wheel sets. |
cidge |
Monday 23rd of July 2018 04:13:41 PM |
Newcastle Junction signal box |
bescotbeast |
Monday 22nd of September 2014 02:35:03 PM |
Twyfords Sanitary Ware |
gbaddley |
Thursday 7th of November 2013 06:16:26 PM |
Thirteen bottle ovens are visible within the works boundary. |
cidge |
Wednesday 25th of July 2018 12:27:58 AM |
L&NW Rly Co goods warehouse |
bescotbeast |
Thursday 12th of September 2013 06:07:27 PM |
Cockshute sidings |
bescotbeast |
Thursday 12th of September 2013 06:06:07 PM |