EPW029259 ENGLAND (1929). Main Street, Cockermouth, 1929

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Pennawd [EPW029259] Main Street, Cockermouth, 1929
Cyfeirnod EPW029259
Dyddiad September-1929
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 311928, 530667
Hydred / Lledred -3.3655656740797, 54.663267760044
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NY119307


Point No 11 on the Cockermouth Town Trail - Wordsworth House. Built in 1745 this Georgian house was built by the county sheriff. It was the birthplace of William and Dorothy Wordsworth and is now owned by the National Trust and is open to the public.

Saturday 18th of October 2014 03:56:38 PM
Point No 12 on the Town Trail - The birthplace of Fearon Fallows. He was born in the weavers cottage next to Wordsworth House, became Astronomer Royal and went to South Africa to map the Southern hemisphere skies where he died of a tropical disease in 1831.

Friday 5th of September 2014 11:34:30 PM
Fearon Fallows was my 5 x Great Uncle

Saturday 1st of November 2014 09:43:06 PM
Point 9 on the Town Trail - Old Kings Arms Lane. Once the site of workers' houses built on a burgage plot. Now redeveloped into shops and cafes including the Tourist Information Centre.

Friday 5th of September 2014 07:08:34 PM
Point 10 on the Town trail - Cocktons Yard. one of the many yards in the town developed in the industrial revolution - workers' houses built in a long burgage plot (garden) of a street fronted house.Note the upper "weavers windows" to allow extra light into the upper floor.

Friday 5th of September 2014 07:06:09 PM
We were told by an old lady who used to live in our shop as a young girl, that the yard at the rear of the shop was used by Mitchell the Auctioneer as his first Auction Ring. There was a balcony immediately to the rear of the Toy Shop on which he would stand and auction stock led into the yard through the archway. So possibly the site of the UK's first Auction Ring. (source J Chippendale)

Friday 5th of September 2014 07:01:58 PM
Point No 8 on the Town Trail- The Mayo Statue. Mayo was Irish and was the M.P. for Cockermouth from 1857-1868. He became Viceroy of India 1868 - 1872 and was assassinated whilst inspecting a prison. Local people collected the money to pay for the statue.

Friday 5th of September 2014 07:00:25 PM
Waterloo Street - point 14 on the Cockermouth Town Trail. Previously a mill area, the streey has been substantially restored into a residential area. Note Whartons Mill (Linen) on the North side and further along towards High Sands Lane the "Beehive House". The significance of the beehive is not clear.

Thursday 21st of August 2014 06:25:07 PM
Graves Mill - point 13 on the Cockermouth Town Trail. An old woollen mill now converted into flats. The river bank here, known as the sands, used to be the site of cattle and horse markets.

Thursday 21st of August 2014 06:21:49 PM
There used to be a pub called the Weavers' Arms where Bridge Street is now. it was demolished to make way for the road access. Adjacent buildings now have a tendency to lean into the gap. (source C Beckett)

Thursday 21st of August 2014 06:05:52 PM
Cockermouth Boys Club. Dances were regularly held here on Friday nights. Local Groups played including eh Spirit of St Louis. The club was run by Eric Swanson? (source unknown)

Thursday 21st of August 2014 05:50:02 PM
The Trout Hotel was once a private house owned by the Eland family (source unknown)

Thursday 21st of August 2014 05:46:38 PM
Mock Grecian Villa, The Manor House, was once the site of the local Magistrates Court still in use in the 1960's. (source unknown)

Thursday 21st of August 2014 05:45:38 PM
Tennis courts at the rear of Norham House.(source unknown)

Thursday 21st of August 2014 05:43:45 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Cockermouth's favourite image as voted for at a public workshop on the 19th August 2014 arranged for BfABorders by the Civic Trust.

Borders Project
Tuesday 26th of August 2014 11:57:33 AM