EPW031006 ENGLAND (1929). The Hope Cement Works, Hope, 1929

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Pennawd [EPW031006] The Hope Cement Works, Hope, 1929
Cyfeirnod EPW031006
Dyddiad October-1929
Enw lle HOPE
Plwyf HOPE
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 416421, 382233
Hydred / Lledred -1.7533680505336, 53.336479113131
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SK164822


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Dylan Moore
Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:32:53 PM

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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:31:40 PM
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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:27:21 PM

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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:26:44 PM

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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:25:42 PM
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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:24:44 PM

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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:24:07 PM
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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:22:00 PM
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Sunday 28th of October 2012 05:20:04 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

The Hope cement plant was built by BPCM in 1929 as a wet process plant with two kilns. The plant was expanded with additional kilns in 1935, 1938 and 1953, with a final capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year. In 1970, it was re-built with two dry process kilns with a capacity of 1.2 million tonnes per year, and it remains operational (2012). For details, history and many links, see [[http://www.cementkilns.co.uk/cement_kiln_hope.html]].

Dylan Moore
Friday 19th of October 2012 05:20:48 PM