EPW037501 ENGLAND. Slough, seven aircraft of the National Aviation Day Display team in flight including G-ABJC, G-AAZI, G-AANE, G-EBMR, G-ABUL and G-EBYW, 1932

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Pennawd [EPW037501] Slough, seven aircraft of the National Aviation Day Display team in flight including G-ABJC, G-AAZI, G-AANE, G-EBMR, G-ABUL and G-EBYW, 1932
Cyfeirnod EPW037501
Enw lle SLOUGH
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 495740, 181966
Hydred / Lledred -0.61970594218038, 51.52799845383
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SU957820


this is a handley paged w10. this particular type is used by imperial airways

sam morris
Saturday 21st of June 2014 11:36:36 AM

sam morris
Saturday 21st of June 2014 11:30:10 AM
the manufacturer of this aircraft was av roe and co ltd.it is possible that this could be the company before avro.????

sam morris
Saturday 21st of June 2014 11:14:52 AM
this is a desoutter as well. i typed in its regestration [a a n e] into g-info and thats what it came up with

sam morris
Saturday 21st of June 2014 11:11:31 AM
this is a d.h tiger moth trainer. but its front seat is covered up

sam morris
Saturday 21st of June 2014 11:06:35 AM
"The George" public house

Saturday 7th of September 2013 07:14:54 PM
Southern Martlet G-ABBN, and a Desoutter G-AAZI beyond that.

Peter Heston
Saturday 15th of December 2012 12:49:45 PM
Warwick Avenue On the north side the first terrace is of four houses and the second terrace is of six houses as on the ground.

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:38:26 PM

Saturday 15th of December 2012 01:02:36 PM
Warwick Avenue, Slough just off the Farnham Road.

Saturday 15th of December 2012 01:15:32 PM
Surrey Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:35:34 PM
Salisbury Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:33:59 PM
Furnival Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:33:00 PM
Essex Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:31:52 PM

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:31:24 PM
Norfolk Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:30:27 PM
Hampshire Avenue

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:29:35 PM
Farnham Road

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:13:41 PM
Building seen in EPW025656

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:08:48 PM
The surrounding glasshouses can also be seen in EPW025656. The layout is unique to this location.

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:12:51 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

There is lots and lots of evidence for this being Farnham Road, Slough. There is a gridiron of roads and I have been able to identify each road making use of photograph EPW025656 which is in a known location. All the evidence fits together. This is a positive identification. The glasshouses are unique, the road system fits. The view is looking north east.

Wednesday 2nd of January 2013 03:43:05 PM
Thanks for the location Class31, it's nice to put the NADD Flying Circus into geographic context where possible. It means that more local research is possible - for example, now it is possible to follow-up local contemporary newspaper reports.

We'll update the catalogue and post the new location here in due course.

Yours, Katy

Britain from Above Cataloguing Team Leader

Katy Whitaker
Wednesday 2nd of January 2013 03:43:05 PM
Sir Alan Cobham's Flying Circus

G-EBMR Handley Page W10

G-ABUL DH.82A Tiger Moth

G-ABJC DH.60G Gipsy Moth

G-AANE Desoutter I

G-EBYW Avro 504K

Sir Alan Cobham was one of the original pilots of Aerofilms

Thursday 13th of December 2012 09:07:35 PM
Don't know location, but G-EBMR also features in image EPW037986 - part of the National Aviation Day Display. (The other aircraft in EPW037986 are too far away to identify.)

Mike Dean
Thursday 13th of December 2012 08:57:22 PM
and again in epw037505

Thursday 13th of December 2012 08:57:22 PM
By the wonders of Google I think this is a picture of

Sir Alan Cobham's Flying Circus

See this page ...


Thursday 13th of December 2012 08:43:24 PM
most of this info is from the Civil Aircraft Register

G-EBMR Handley Page W10

G-ABUL DH.82A Tiger Moth

G-ABJC DH.60G Gipsy Moth

G-AANE Desoutter I

G-EBYW Avro 504K

Thursday 13th of December 2012 08:33:03 PM
The Tiger Moth is presumably G-ABUL and it would be helpful if it was included in the search results for G-ABUL. In this image there is a cover over the front cockpit and this is shown in the other images of G-ABUL when flying inverted. All the other images of G-ABUL show an observer in the front cockpit so that suggests the images weren't all taken on the same flight.

Mike Dean
Wednesday 12th of December 2012 10:20:53 PM
This is the Manor Park/Farnham Road area of Slough. I need more research to put more names to roads.

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:15:29 PM

Wednesday 12th of December 2012 09:03:55 PM