EPW039696 ENGLAND (1932). Marine Drive, the Coastguard Station and the town, Exmouth, 1932

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Pennawd [EPW039696] Marine Drive, the Coastguard Station and the town, Exmouth, 1932
Cyfeirnod EPW039696
Dyddiad August-1932
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 300364, 80180
Hydred / Lledred -3.4083880705414, 50.612227865686
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SY004802


This hump on the beach is the last remnant of the buildings of the Exmouth Artillery Battery, built 1862, that formerly existed south of the Coastguard Station.

Ray Girvan
Sunday 9th of March 2014 02:49:46 PM
The Imperial Hotel built in 1865 and mostly rebuilt in 1972 after a fire.

Saturday 15th of June 2013 10:50:05 PM

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:14:50 PM
Harbour View Cafe

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:14:13 PM
This looks like a First World War tank on display.

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:08:31 PM
There is an artillery gun beside it about the size of a 25 pounder.

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:09:56 PM
Yes, it's a Mark IV Male tank. Presented 7 September 1919 and believed scrapped in the mid 1930s, but I'd be grateful to anyone able to provide a more accurate date.

Gwyn Evans
Thursday 10th of January 2013 09:17:57 PM
The gun is more likely to be a captured German gun - perhaps a 7.7cm or 10.5cm field gun. Not far off a 25pdr in size. (The British 25pdr wasn't introduced till a few years later, and was derived from the 18pdr which was still in use so perhaps not likely to be set on show in this way.)

Thursday 10th of January 2013 11:16:46 PM
There are some very large beach huts in this row. Some are twice the size of a normal beach hut.

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:06:57 PM
Exmouth beach huts. This was a community in itself but there are now no beach huts this side of the road.

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:05:46 PM
Moveable boarding jetty for the Devon Queen etc pleasure boat.

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:03:17 PM

Allen T
Tuesday 18th of December 2012 12:01:46 PM
Bowls being played

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:42:27 PM
Holy Trinity Church

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:41:32 PM
Louisa Terrace leading to The Beacon Hotel

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:40:40 PM
Lifeboat slipway.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:37:27 PM
Lifeboat Station with doors open ready to launch boat.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:35:18 PM
Ice Cream Van

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:34:01 PM
Queen's Drive leading to Orcombe Point.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:32:20 PM
These buildings now demolished and fun park and boating lake in their place.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:31:24 PM
Nine hole golf. Still mini and crazy golf played here.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:30:22 PM
Sea front car park now doubled in size.

Allen T
Monday 17th of December 2012 11:29:20 PM