EPW060545 ENGLAND (1939). The area between Crescent Road and the River Thames, Woolwich, 1939

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Pennawd [EPW060545] The area between Crescent Road and the River Thames, Woolwich, 1939
Cyfeirnod EPW060545
Dyddiad 28-February-1939
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 543551, 178940
Hydred / Lledred 0.067955587330199, 51.490674391945
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TQ436789


Salutation Alley

Friday 13th of October 2023 07:08:30 PM
Empire Theatre in Beresford Street.

ray Glenister
Saturday 20th of March 2021 07:09:38 AM
MacBean Street School.

ray Glenister
Saturday 20th of March 2021 07:05:41 AM
Holy Trinity Church - closed and demolished in the 1960s

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:46:26 PM
Woolwich Arsenal Gateway

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:45:30 PM
Tram in the one-way system at Thomas Street

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:44:41 PM
Woolwich New Road - well, it was in the late 1700s!

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:43:14 PM
Anglesea Road

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:42:11 PM
Sandy Hill Road - very steep due to previous sand extraction in the area.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:41:01 PM
Crescent Road

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:39:50 PM
Woolwich Arsenal Station - road level entrance building

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:39:06 PM
Part of the Royal Artillery Barracks

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:37:53 PM

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:36:42 PM
John Wilson Street - eventually converted to a dual carriageway to serve the new 1960s ferry terminal - much of the housing along this road was lost by demolition to make way for the new road.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:36:02 PM
St Mary's Primary School

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:33:12 PM
Odeon Cinema

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:32:19 PM
St Mary's church - the Parish Church of Woolwich

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:31:19 PM
The 1930s Royal Arsenal Co-op Society's major department store.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:30:07 PM
Hare Street - another major shopping street - and where most of the ferry traffic had to queue as well.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:28:25 PM
Powis Street - not only the principal shopping street, but had to cope also with the ferry traffic.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:27:08 PM
The former Woolwich Equitable Building Society headquarters building.

John W
Saturday 20th of July 2019 05:25:38 PM
Original ferry pier opened by the Great Eastern railway after it reached North Woolwich in 1847, before the main part of Woolwich received its railway. The railway ferry struggled on after the free ferry started in 1889 but stopped running in 1908. The pier was used for excursions, in part, and also for a towage company's tugs. It has been out of use since around the 1980s.

John W
Sunday 14th of August 2016 10:29:26 PM
The Woolwich Free Ferry North pier, with a boat at it.

John W
Sunday 14th of August 2016 10:22:21 PM
Woolwich Free Ferry South pier, with one of the steam paddle boats approaching, as another is just leaving. One can assume the tide is ebbing, as the boats always left and approached the piers into the current to aid their movements.

John W
Sunday 14th of August 2016 10:21:16 PM