WAW010897 WALES (1947). View of Bridgend Ordnance Factory
© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.
Delweddau cyfagos (17)
Pennawd | [WAW010897] View of Bridgend Ordnance Factory |
Cyfeirnod | WAW010897 |
Dyddiad | 20-September-1947 |
Dolen | Coflein Archive Item 6413790 |
Enw lle | |
Plwyf | |
Ardal | |
Gwlad | WALES |
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad | 292500, 179000 |
Hydred / Lledred | -3.5488715344132, 51.499219736582 |
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol | SS925790 |
Wainskeel, now The Haywain Public House |
Mooonsan |
Thursday 9th of September 2021 09:17:23 PM |
County Council Yard |
AI44 |
Thursday 14th of January 2016 02:32:09 PM |
Upper Tremains; farm house, still exists at Underwood Place Brackla estate.
https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.506712,-3.552502,3a,75y,333.4h,76.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHHKnJ5RbtgSRPIMaAazzCQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 |
Harvey |
Saturday 27th of June 2015 08:47:55 PM |
Tremains House, demolished during development of the Brackla housing estate |
Harvey |
Saturday 27th of June 2015 08:33:18 PM |
Textile Shop, for sewing the linen bags that held the cordite that launched the shells. |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:55:10 PM |
Zone for High Explosive Shell filling |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:38:59 PM |
Tremains Halt - station constructed for workforce access to factory |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:38:08 PM |
Detonator production buildings |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:32:20 PM |
Zone for production of primers |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:31:08 PM |
WWII Type 22 Pillbox |
cptpies |
Friday 9th of May 2014 03:59:05 PM |
Cyfraniadau Grŵp
The Waterton part of Bridgend Royal Ordnance Factory (Filling Factory No 2), viewed from the south-east. The field in the foreground is now the location of Lee & Turners car dealers, to the right off-screen is the B & Q store. The fields in the distance beyond the railway line is now the site of the Brackla housing estate, |
Harvey |
Tuesday 17th of March 2015 08:54:31 PM |
cptpies |
Friday 9th of May 2014 03:59:55 PM |