EPW052138 ENGLAND (1936) [Unlocated]. UNLOCATED. This image has been produced from a print.
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Nearby Images (48)
Title | [EPW052138] UNLOCATED. This image has been produced from a print. |
Reference | EPW052138 |
Date | October-1936 |
Link | |
Place name | |
Parish | |
District | |
Country | ENGLAND |
Easting / Northing | 0, 0 |
Longitude / Latitude | -7.556448482059, 49.766185796754 |
National Grid Reference | SV000000 |
Now the site of Bramcote Crematorium |
jkm |
Wednesday 1st of September 2021 06:31:48 PM |
Bramcote Hill at Map reference SK505385 |
Class31 |
Thursday 14th of May 2020 12:18:28 PM |
I have identified this previously unidentified photo as Stapleford near Nottingham looking South East towards Bramcote and Beeston. The railway in the foreground links Nottingham with Trowell. Trowell is well known for it's motorway service area on the M1. The pin is on Coventry Lane. |
Class31 |
Thursday 14th of May 2020 12:14:48 PM |
Tower or chimney |
Harvey |
Thursday 26th of March 2015 08:00:19 PM |
This is in Nottingham University. |
Class31 |
Thursday 14th of May 2020 12:05:45 PM |
Now the A48 |
Winch66 |
Monday 12th of January 2015 11:07:08 PM |
This is the Nottingham to Trowell railway line. |
Class31 |
Thursday 14th of May 2020 12:22:19 PM |
Railway Line |
Lanser |
Saturday 1st of November 2014 06:36:06 PM |
If tramwayman is correct, the railway line would now appear to be the A48 and this location would be just south of the point where the A48 crosses over the M4. |
Winch66 |
Monday 12th of January 2015 11:04:13 PM |
railway siding |
Lanser |
Saturday 1st of November 2014 06:35:25 PM |
User Comment Contributions
I've put about an hour into this one and I'm not a lot further forward. Good luck to researchers! |
Class31 |
Wednesday 14th of January 2015 10:51:58 AM |
Just for the record I can find no evidence to link this photo with Stormy Down, Laleston, Bridgend, South Wales and I suggest that for the present we should regard this as an unlocated photograph. |
Class31 |
Wednesday 14th of January 2015 08:51:13 AM |
This is a very long view towards an urban area. We can see houses being built on the outskirts of the town. We also can see a railway. In my view it is only a matter of time before we have a confirmed location for this photo. |
Class31 |
Wednesday 3rd of December 2014 12:59:32 PM |
I think this is the south Wales Main Line at Stormy Down |
tramwayman |
Thursday 13th of November 2014 12:09:52 AM |