EPW056949 ENGLAND (1938). Bletchley Park, Bletchley, 1938

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Title [EPW056949] Bletchley Park, Bletchley, 1938
Reference EPW056949
Date 26-April-1938
Place name BLETCHLEY
Easting / Northing 486406, 233899
Longitude / Latitude -0.74132087628483, 51.996379575908
National Grid Reference SP864339


Church Green Road Infants School

Tuesday 3rd of December 2019 05:15:03 PM
Photo shows the view from the gardens. Note the peak of the stable gable above Grampy's head. Me by Grampy's leg.

Linda Taupo
Saturday 20th of June 2015 03:19:16 AM
My bedroom window. 1954 - 1961 Park Nurseries Linda nee Arnold

Linda Taupo
Friday 19th of June 2015 02:46:36 AM

Monday 11th of August 2014 03:17:28 PM
This area now contains a War Memorial to the Polish Code Breakers.

Saturday 5th of April 2014 09:50:32 AM
During the war time operations, this area became garages. The attached composite photo of vintage vehicles in the garages was taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Saturday 5th of April 2014 09:45:25 AM
I think it was this part of the building that became a Post Office during war time operations. The attached photo was taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Friday 4th of April 2014 08:50:14 PM
The attached photo was taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Friday 4th of April 2014 08:48:07 PM
Church Green Road

Chris Hevey
Friday 28th of February 2014 05:58:32 PM
Main Bletchley Park house

Chris Hevey
Friday 28th of February 2014 05:57:13 PM
Rickley House, Now in Corrigan Close

Chris Hevey
Friday 28th of February 2014 05:55:45 PM
St Mary Church

Wednesday 27th of November 2013 02:17:42 AM
Now the back of Bletchley Park B & B

sarah haughian
Monday 23rd of September 2013 03:24:37 PM
Demolished stable block that had closed off the Bletchley Park stableyard. This building had connected to what had been the Leon family's fruit store (now known as the Bungalow) and was demolished by Captain Hubert Faulkner during his brief period of ownership of the estate before purchase by Admiral Sinclair on behalf of the Government in 1938.

Sunday 25th of August 2013 05:54:49 PM

User Comment Contributions

The attached composite photo shows the statue of Alan Turing and and information board about the Enigma machine. The photos were taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Saturday 5th of April 2014 09:58:47 AM
The attached composite photo shows the front and rear of one of the Bombe machines used for code breaking. The photos were taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Saturday 5th of April 2014 09:56:53 AM
The attached composite photo shows the Colossus Mk1 & Mk2 and Tunny machines used for code breaking. The photos were taken on the 9th April 2012 while on a tour of the museum.

Saturday 5th of April 2014 09:55:19 AM
Alan Turing display at Bletchley Park 26/04/2008

Monday 6th of January 2014 03:01:46 PM
An interior view 26/04/2008

Monday 6th of January 2014 02:59:12 PM
This photo is of enormous interest. Bletchley Park played such a significant part in the history of our country during WWII. The photo was taken only a year before the commencement of hostilities. It just cries out to be included. Please.

Tuesday 20th of August 2013 10:16:29 AM
What a gem of a picture. I think that this is worthy of a larger audience , perhaps for the book.

Tuesday 20th of August 2013 10:11:54 AM