EPW062151 ENGLAND (1939). The River Medway at Chatham Ness, Rochester, from the west, 1939

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Title [EPW062151] The River Medway at Chatham Ness, Rochester, from the west, 1939
Reference EPW062151
Date 4-July-1939
Place name ROCHESTER
Easting / Northing 574355, 168108
Longitude / Latitude 0.50595818407942, 51.384700656374
National Grid Reference TQ744681


The old Odeon cinema now flats

Monday 9th of January 2023 01:05:48 AM
The George pub

Monday 9th of January 2023 01:03:52 AM
It has been suggested that this is actually the fuselage of CAPELLA G-ADUY which was similarly shipped back from Batavia in 1939 after being damaged during salvaged from a sinking ((but never repaired due to corrosion)

Thursday 10th of June 2021 02:22:16 PM
St Barts Hospital.....closed circa 2019

Wednesday 16th of December 2020 12:26:30 PM
Delce Windmill (demolished in 1946).

James Butson
Saturday 22nd of June 2019 12:19:35 AM
The Command House.

Friday 17th of June 2016 01:10:07 PM
Covered Dock destroyed by fire in 1966/7

Friday 17th of June 2016 01:08:17 PM
Rochester open air swimming pool

Friday 17th of June 2016 01:04:13 PM
This photo was taken 2 months before the start of the Second World War, yet several of the Shorts aircraft factory roofs already appear to be camouflaged.

Sunday 21st of June 2015 06:36:37 PM
Rochester Girls Grammar school now merged with The mathematical school for boys...

Wednesday 30th of April 2014 12:55:53 PM

Wednesday 30th of April 2014 12:50:00 PM
Troy Town primary school

Wednesday 30th of April 2014 12:47:56 PM

Wednesday 30th of April 2014 12:45:47 PM
The Combined Services sports ground. The superb old malt stand still survives I believe.

Mike Floate
Sunday 23rd of February 2014 06:36:41 PM
A lost football ground with a barrel-roofed stand in the old dockyard. I believe the ground may have been locally known as 'the captain's table. Any further info would be appreciated!

Mike Floate
Sunday 23rd of February 2014 06:35:40 PM
Rochester Cathedral

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:31:19 PM
Rochester Castle

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:30:48 PM
remains of Formby's Whitewall cement works

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:29:44 PM
Crown & Quarry cement kilns

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:29:02 PM
Crown & Quarry washmill plant

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:28:21 PM
remains of Quarry cement works

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:27:01 PM
remains of Beehive cement works

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:26:16 PM
remains of Beaver cement works

Dylan Moore
Tuesday 4th of February 2014 09:25:38 PM
Short Empire Flying-Boats at Short Bros. factory, Rochester

Saturday 24th of August 2013 01:00:46 PM

User Comment Contributions

The roofs of the Shorts aircraft factory appear to have been camouflaged, although the photo' is dated two months before the outbreak of WWII.

Sunday 21st of June 2015 06:39:40 PM
Empire flying-boat COORONG was damaged in Darwin harbour and surface-shipped back to England where it was repaired at Rochester....possibly the fuselage pinned in the photo


Monday 26th of August 2013 05:30:12 PM