SPW027314 SCOTLAND (1929). Moor Park Aerodrome, Renfrew. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing north-east. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.

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Title [SPW027314] Moor Park Aerodrome, Renfrew. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing north-east. This image has been produced from a damaged negative.
Reference SPW027314
Date 1929
Link Canmore Collection item 1256850
Place name
District RENFREW
Easting / Northing 250400, 665880
Longitude / Latitude -4.3907051786798, 55.862877842206
National Grid Reference NS504659


The photographing aircraft is on top the Newmains Road looking towards the Hangars which are to the left . They are South of the road; we must be looking west not north east as advertised.

Mike Holder
Sunday 21st of February 2021 02:54:24 PM
Jenny's Farm, named after the owner, Jenny Gilchrist, operated all through the life of the airport. There were two spinster sisters who in the late 30s through 50s drove an old Bull-nose Morris. As a young child, my mother used to hide when they passed as they would shout "Hey, Bell" at her (she had 12 brothers and sisters and I guess the Gilchrists couldn't keep the forenames straight) "Come away for a lift hame".

Norrie P
Friday 27th of June 2014 08:55:37 PM
Pavillion and football ground.

Thursday 31st of January 2013 06:47:56 PM

Thursday 31st of January 2013 06:46:34 PM

Thursday 31st of January 2013 06:44:41 PM
Newmains Road, distinctive because of its width.

Thursday 31st of January 2013 06:43:50 PM

User Comment Contributions

Could this be the Renfrew WW1 Air Station?

Lynda Tubbs
Wednesday 25th of June 2014 03:30:52 PM