EAW000870 ENGLAND (1946). Helmets Ltd and the village, Wheathampstead, 1946

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Pennawd [EAW000870] Helmets Ltd and the village, Wheathampstead, 1946
Cyfeirnod EAW000870
Dyddiad 15-May-1946
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 517617, 214126
Hydred / Lledred -0.29360848274782, 51.812927997747
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol TL176141


Rectory Meadow

lynton cox
Monday 2nd of February 2015 02:49:21 PM
crinkle crankle wall

lynton cox
Monday 2nd of February 2015 02:48:51 PM
Crinkle Crankle wall

lynton cox
Monday 2nd of February 2015 02:48:25 PM
Railway line- the upper line is to a goods siding at the Wheathampstead station, just off the image to the right. Originally Hertford, Luton & Dunstable Railway (Hatfield to Dunstable line) Opened 1.9.1860 Closed 26.7.1965 There are places where the trackbed is now difficult to follow on the ground. The final length of track at Wheathampstead was lifted in March 1967.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:37:58 PM
29 High Street Grade 2 listed - English Heritage Building ID: 163957 House and shop. Mid C18 with an earlier timber-frame core. Twin pitched plain tile roof. 2 storeys. C20 projecting ground floor shop. S side has floor band. External oven chimney stack at rear.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:24:06 PM
Bell and Crown Public House

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:20:38 PM
The Bull Inn (The Bull) - AL4 8BB Grade 2 listed - English Heritage Building ID: 163952 Public House. C16 timber frame. C17-18 additions. C20 rear extensions. Exposed box framing with plaster infill. Steep pitched plain tile roofs. 2 storeys. Long curving facade, bending away from road on N above the River Lea, the latter section apparently later C17 and C18, and formerly separate cottages.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:17:00 PM
Jessamine Cottages, Wheathampstead-AL4 8BB Grade 2 listed - English Heritage Building ID: 163953 House. Mid C18, rewindowed in mid C19. Red brick, partly chequered. Plain tile roof with gable end towards road. Mid-late C19 rear extension

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:13:48 PM
8 and 10 High Street Grade 2 listed building - English Heritage Building ID: 163967 House and shop. C17 exposed timber frame. Probably an earlier core to No 10. Roughcast, plaster and painted brick. Gabled cross wing on right. Plain tile roof. 1-2 storeys. 5-window range in 4 parts. On left, single storey with gabled eaves attic and canted bay to ground floor. In centre, 2 storeys with 1st floor C18 3-light leaded casement. To right, the cross wing shows clasped purlin roof and C20 casements. At right end, a C17 single storey timber frame outshut, now with C20 shop window. Large stack on rear centre.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:10:10 PM
2 High Street Grade 2 listed building - English Heritage Building ID: 163963 Shop, formerly the Corn Mill House. Late C19. Mauve brick with blue brick banding at 1st floor sill level. Slate roof. Canted S elevation. Shallow projection on E side. 2 storeys.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:06:35 PM
Corn Mill, now warehouse. C16-17 timber frame, cased in mauve brick 1890-5 (dated bricks). N end has early C19 casing to a small 3-bay barn. Plain tile roof. Long frontage, mostly 2 storeys and attics. 2-light recessed Yorkshire casements, mostly segmental-headed. S part has 3 framed gabled dormers with 3- light casements. In centre is a taller late-C19 front with slate roof and weatherboarded gable and dormer. Tall hoist door to 1st floor. Barn has a weatherboarded gable end towards road, formerly an entrance porch.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:04:15 PM
4, High Street, Wheathampstead AL4 8AA Grade 2 listed building - English Heritage Building ID: 163964 House and shop. C17 timber frame. Plaster and painted brick ground floor; roughcast upper floor. Slate roof. 3 late-C19 casements to upper floor set in eaves dormer gables.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 09:00:42 PM

Saturday 14th of June 2014 08:46:52 PM
St Helen's Church, Wheathampstead Date of origin unknown. Restoration was begun during the early part of the 13th century, the original Saxon church having become dilapidated. The Normans rebuilt and lengthened the chancel in around 1238AD. The east window triple lancets (visible here) which still survive in the structure today date from this time. The building of the central tower dates to about 1290AD, which is the first definitive date that can be ascribed to the church. 2006 colour Image by Legis is public domain. Source [[St Helen's Church, Wheathampstead]]

Saturday 14th of June 2014 08:43:33 PM

Saturday 14th of June 2014 08:35:32 PM
Helmets Limited Registered Office, Wheathampstead - King Edward Place, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire AL4 8BB Grade 2 registered - English Heritage Building ID: 163965 House, now offices. C16 timber frame, cased in red brick early and late C19. Circa 1970 addition. C17 red brick chimney stack on centre of E side. S gable has C19 wrought iron weathervane. Formerly the vicarage. (The company's successor now has its registered office in Letchworth)

Saturday 14th of June 2014 08:30:15 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Helmets Ltd

The company was founded 1923, the main product was the cork tropical helmet (or topee) for British soldiers and colonialists.

When E Day of St Albans hit hard times, the business was bought out and Helmets Ltd was born with initial manufacture from premises on Alma Road, St Albans. The Wheathampstead cork store of E Day on Brewhouse Hill (formerly the maltings of the Hope Brewery) had been obtained and work was undertaken to convert this into a factory and moved in in 1928.

In more modern times, Motorcycle crash helmets with visors and jockeys caps have become part of the business.

The former rectory, by then a laundry, was purchased for family accomodation by T J Noblett - it later became the company Head Office, "Moat House".

Policemens helmets were tested with a truncheon whilst minders helmets were jumped on by Mr Noblett (17 stone). The company was called upon to provide an alternative to the brass firemans helmet in 1935.

The registered office on the High Street became a grade 2 ragistered building in 1984. English Heritage Building ID: 163965

House, now offices. C16 timber frame, cased in red brick early and late C19.

Circa 1970 addition.

C17 red brick chimney stack on centre of E side.

Formerly the vicarage.

The company is still trading as HISL or Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd from Stranraer (former Kangol helmet making divison) and Letchworth (current registered office)

Company web site www.helmets.co.uk where the company history up to 1984 is available.

Saturday 14th of June 2014 08:22:00 PM