EAW025208 ENGLAND (1949). The John Ingham and Sons Ltd Engineering Works and The Strands, Coxley, from the south-west, 1949. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.

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Delweddau cyfagos (8)

  0° 0m
  101° 50m
  75° 81m
  58° 90m
  119° 93m
  2° 104m
  135° 125m
  213° 218m


Pennawd [EAW025208] The John Ingham and Sons Ltd Engineering Works and The Strands, Coxley, from the south-west, 1949. This image was marked by Aerofilms Ltd for photo editing.
Cyfeirnod EAW025208
Dyddiad 26-July-1949
Enw lle COXLEY
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 428067, 417642
Hydred / Lledred -1.5752887147626, 53.654288851717
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol SE281176


3rd house up the hill, lower terrace was home in schooldays. Horbury & Ossett station (pinpointed)visible from front room window Signal box of same name where working days started 1941

Sunday 1st of February 2015 02:07:12 AM
Horbury & Ossett Railway Station

Wednesday 19th of February 2014 11:22:18 PM
This view alas has gone for ever. The station was demolished

about the time of the intensive alterations to Healey Mills marshalling yard. Horbury Station Box became one of the many

which became redundant with the commissioning of the Power Box connected to operations with the alterations at Healey Mills Freight Marshalling Yard.

Horbury Station Box very well known inside & out, personally

as Train Booker in 1941. Employed during the war on 3 turns

days, afternoons & nights age 15. During the war juveniles

allowed to work nights Government consent. After the war this changed to 17 years of age. Government consent.

Sunday 1st of February 2015 02:04:56 AM
The ex Midland Railway line from Royston to Dewsbury Savile Town Goods.

Wednesday 19th of February 2014 11:19:42 PM
River Calder

Wednesday 19th of February 2014 10:50:55 PM
Calder & Hebble Navigation

Wednesday 19th of February 2014 10:47:09 PM
Netherton Lane

Wednesday 19th of February 2014 10:44:11 PM

Cyfraniadau Grŵp

Bottom right road over rail line Thornhill Midland Junction

towards Royston Junction is the continuation from Horbury Bridge towards Netherton & Middlestown. Lowering photo by dragging brings more railway into view. The first group of wagons are loaded from Hartley Bank Colliery & dragging left Hartley Bank Coal Drops come into view. The wagons just beyond are empty ready to be taken to the colliery by private engine. The next long rake of wagons has a railway brake van at the end. This is a train of loaded wagons stabled in Horbury Buffers. The signal box opposite the coal drops is Horbury Station Box. Small building to right of box is the local ganger & platelayers hut. A train of passenger stock hauled by a Class 4 is about to pass the signal box towards

Wakefield and would be on the Down Fast line. There is a small

roofed building near to & left of coal drops is Hartley Bank weighbridge. The signal box being the start of own railway employment as Junior Porter Train Booker

Friday 30th of January 2015 02:47:21 AM