SAW018827 SCOTLAND (1948). Dunfermline, general view, showing Winterthur Silks Ltd. Canmore Works, Bruce Street and Mill Street. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing north. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.

© Hawlfraint cyfranwyr OpenStreetMap a thrwyddedwyd gan yr OpenStreetMap Foundation. 2025. Trwyddedir y gartograffeg fel CC BY-SA.

Delweddau cyfagos (10)

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Pennawd [SAW018827] Dunfermline, general view, showing Winterthur Silks Ltd. Canmore Works, Bruce Street and Mill Street. An oblique aerial photograph taken facing north. This image has been produced from a crop marked negative.
Cyfeirnod SAW018827
Dyddiad 1948
Dolen Canmore Collection item 1269122
Enw lle
Dwyreiniad / Gogleddiad 308980, 687730
Hydred / Lledred -3.4623946987692, 56.073774496015
Cyfeirnod Grid Cenedlaethol NT090877


Photograph of old bus station situated where the new Tesco is now. Snack bar and Alexander’s booking office in the back ground. The Fruit Shop on the opposite side of the road is where the exit from the new bus station now is

Billy Turner
Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 06:17:21 PM
Dunfermline fire station. The fire station closed in early 2010, along with Rosyth fire station, when the new facility serving both communities opened.

Billy Turner
Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 05:07:07 PM
1941-1942 Fordson WOT8 4X4 truck The WOT8 was the only one in England produced with a payload of 30 cwt (1.5 tons), and four-wheel drive. It was the forerunner of the WOT6 (one can be also seen in this image) with a shorter wheelbase and a lower payload. In 1941 and 1942 some 2,500 copies were produced. The British military had also used the vehicle as an artillery tractor in North Africa. During the war, there were 868 units shipped to the Soviet Union. Of these, 731 reached their destination. The Red Army also used the vehicle as a launching pad of Katyusha rockets

Billy Turner
Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 04:54:12 PM
1942-1945 Fordson WOT6 Machinery truck The WOT6 was a four-wheel drive (4x4) vehicle with a payload of 3 tons. It was the continuation of the WOT8 (one can also be seen in this image), looks largely identical but could carry twice as much cargo. It was provided with an additional reduction gear in order to improve the driving performance in the field. The WOT6 operated closer to the front line and many of the vehicles in the driver's cab had a hole in the roof for the operation of a machine gun. Between 1942 and 1945 there were almost 30,000 produced.

Billy Turner
Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 04:45:45 PM