This is undoubtedly the TSMV "Westcliffe Belle". Requisitioned for War service following the Ministry of Shipping's "Small Craft Control Order" of May 10th, 1940, this vessel did Service as an RN Auxiliary based upriver at Cliffe, before being returned to her owner in late-1945, to recommence operating from that beach pitch for a number of post-War Holiday Seasons.. |
 bargee1937 |
Wednesday 24th of June 2015 10:17:30 AM |
 Believed to be the "Britannia I", 75ftl.o.a. owned by Charles & Arthur Myall. Built as copy of "New Prince Of Wales I" [ex-"Julia Freak"]of the rival Southend Motor Navigation Co., by Hayward's local Boatyard during the 1920's. Requisitioned along with 11 other local pleasure boats for Operation Dynamo Dunkirk Evacuation on 28th May, 1940. Post-Dunkirk Naval Service as inshore minesweeper, thought to have been deployed to Nore Division. Returned to Myall's Ltd in `1945, and operated from Foreshore for many years after WW2. As well as the 109ftlong, 102Tons "Southend Britannia", and the 75ft "Britannia I", the Myall's also owned the smaller TSMV "Skylark II", also a Dunkirk Little Ship.
 bargee1937 |
Wednesday 24th of June 2015 10:13:16 AM |
 I think this may have been the SMNCo's first replacement launch for the "Princess Maud" lost at Dunkirk, while Cook's Yard at Maldon were building a larger replacement vessel. The beach pitch looks as though it's in about the right place to be the one the SMNCo Ltd. leased for her. |
 bargee1937 |
Saturday 20th of June 2015 05:03:40 PM |
 This is the ex-yawl-rigged sailing lifeboat "Dreadnought", converted to a twin screw ML and with her canoe stern altered to a transom stern in the process of the direct-post "Victory In Europe" rebuild, - at Johnson & Jago's Boatyard, in Old Leigh. 1946 was her first Season of operation in the converted condition. |
 bargee1937 |
Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 12:08:29 PM |
 This is an ex-RN Motor Cutter which the SMNCo. ran for a very short while,[the end of the 1945 Season and through the 1946 season] operating from the beach below the semi-circular groyne alongside the No.1 Jetty. |
 bargee1937 |
Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 12:04:01 PM |
 75ftloa. SMNCo's "New Prince Of Wales I" - Dunkirk Little Ship,[ ex-Julia Freke, renamed in memory of the SMNCo. Fleet Flagship "New Prince of Wales", sunk in shallow water off the La Panne beaches, May 1940]. This pictured vessel continued to operate off the No.1 jetty after1946 and was eventually sold to Owners on the Midlands east Coast, and lost due to storm-damage leaks sustained on her uninsured delivery voyage. She was towed into a haven, and her new owners effectively abandoned her on the beach, where the local ,harbour Authority eventually ordered the derelict to be demolished in the 1970's A sad end. |
 bargee1937 |
Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 12:01:01 PM |