EAW000639 ENGLAND (1946). A cityscape over Limehouse and Bow Common, Poplar, 1946

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Title [EAW000639] A cityscape over Limehouse and Bow Common, Poplar, 1946
Reference EAW000639
Date 10-May-1946
Place name POPLAR
Easting / Northing 537039, 181251
Longitude / Latitude -0.024895162045196, 51.513059783348
National Grid Reference TQ370813


The Victoria Public House

Tuesday 29th of December 2020 03:08:42 PM

Tuesday 12th of May 2020 03:46:27 PM
Wallwood Street

Friday 20th of September 2019 10:16:50 PM

Friday 20th of September 2019 10:14:47 PM

Friday 20th of September 2019 10:07:46 PM
A trolleybus turning circle was erected here to be used for the curtailment of service 677 - Smithfield - West India Dock, but had no scheduled turns and lasted only from the commencement of the service from 10 September1939 until December 1949. The 'circle' ran down Timothy Road, into Baggally Street and back into Burdett Road. Though the destination blind read Burdett Road Station, that point was some 200 yards away [closed April 1941].

Nowy Paul
Saturday 13th of October 2018 11:13:19 AM
The Mile End Odeon Cinema. Demolished in in the late 1980's.

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:51:38 AM
Vines Bakery shop on the corner of Burdett and Bede Road.

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:43:34 AM

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:41:12 AM

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:38:34 AM
The Edinburgh Castle (the Peoples Mission) was established by Thomas Barnardo and opened in 1873. In the late 1940's short films were shown in the hall for local kids on a Wednesday evening. The Mission was demolished in the 1960's

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:37:10 AM
The Victoria Hotel. Corner of Burdett and Bed Road.

ray Glenister
Thursday 20th of September 2018 06:19:32 AM
St. Lukes Church.

ray Glenister
Friday 20th of October 2017 12:13:13 PM
Devons School. (Since renamed "The Clara Grant Primary School" in April 1993).

Hermann the German
Monday 28th of August 2017 05:33:26 PM
Knapp Road School, (now demolished).

Hermann the German
Monday 28th of August 2017 05:11:37 PM
120, Bow Common Lane.

Hermann the German
Tuesday 15th of August 2017 07:57:52 PM
Barnado's home for boys opened in 1883. Could accommodate 450 boys aged between ten and thirteen.

ray Glenister
Thursday 27th of July 2017 12:28:03 PM
Southern Grove school still stands as a listed building.

ray Glenister
Thursday 27th of July 2017 12:16:19 PM
Edinburgh Road

Saturday 15th of July 2017 08:17:31 PM

Saturday 15th of July 2017 08:15:35 PM
Eric Street. The late actor Bernard Bresslaw lived at home here with his family when he first became famous.

Saturday 15th of July 2017 06:43:23 PM
During the 1950s the daughter of the publican became the first wife of skiffle player Lonnie Donnigan.

Saturday 15th of July 2017 06:32:44 PM
This narrow gap of about 600mm (two feet) was Chusan Place with a row of 4 small victorian cottages. Before being blocked off it was an alleyway leading through to St. Anne's Place.

Saturday 15th of July 2017 06:10:41 PM
This narrow gap of about 600mm (two feet) was Chusan Place with a row of 4 small victorian cottages. Before being blocked off it was an alleyway leading through to St. Anne's Place.

Saturday 15th of July 2017 06:10:09 PM
The Pigott Arms Public House. Meeting place of the clan!

Saturday 15th of July 2017 06:03:32 PM
St. Paul's House in Timothy Road (formerly St. Dunstan's Road). Next door was a small Public House all the locals knew as Shackladys, but I think its actual name was The St. Dunstan's Arms.

Saturday 24th of June 2017 06:50:25 PM
Burdett Estate in better days. Building commenced 1949/50. This view is from 19 Tasker House in 1963 looking north-east toward the gas works in Bow Common Lane. Ray.

ray Glenister
Saturday 25th of February 2017 08:04:02 AM
Locksley Street 1955.

ray Glenister
Saturday 25th of February 2017 07:14:32 AM
MUST SEE FOR LOCALS. British Pathe filmed in this Street(Locksley Street)in 1954. ( See 'LCC BUILDS WHERE HITLER BOMBED' It shows kids playing marbles on the corner of Locksley with the cement rendered side of 56 Turners Road (photo attached) This house was occupied by two families (11 people in all) after war repairs in 1946. The short brick corner wall was erected around the basement 'hole' after number 58 was demolished in 1947. The water hydrant scene is odd because water was on always on tap, except during the severe 1947/48 winter when the outside lead pipes froze. RAY.

ray Glenister
Saturday 25th of February 2017 01:36:59 AM
St. Pauls Church. The spire was removed before 1950 on this gutted church. The belfry was accessible via a spiral staircase. There were no floor boards, only wooden bearers over which kids tip toed risking a fall of some 12 metres. Unthinkable today, children of the day were free to explore all that you see in these post war photos. Ray

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:40:10 PM
In the late 1940's, local kids started a push bike circuit here and held competitive races. It's STILL a race track. Hows that for continuity!

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:20:59 PM
The Albion Pub in St Pauls Way.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:15:13 PM
Burdett Road Fire Station.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:09:40 PM
The Earl of Zetland pub. My fathers favourite! Ray

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:08:20 PM
The Salisbury Arms pub.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:06:32 PM
Prince Alfred pub.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:04:13 PM
The Edinburgh Castle Mission in Rhodeswell Road

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 02:02:41 PM
St.Pauls Church of England School. (Seager Place)

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 01:59:22 PM
St.Pauls Way Secondary Modern School.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 01:56:09 PM
Caird & Rayner warehouse, Commercial Road, 30/09/2014

Tuesday 1st of September 2015 08:10:52 AM
St. Anne's Church, Limehouse, 30/09/2014

Tuesday 1st of September 2015 08:09:34 AM

Monday 5th of January 2015 09:10:50 PM
Cross-referencing with the BombSight project http://www.bombsight.org/#17/51.51479/-0.02964, there's no record of a bomb behind the houses in Pixley Street, yet they are clearly severely damaged here in 1946. You see the house on the right of the terrace has no roof and it looks like they are just facades. The two houses at the right of the terrace (including the one with no roof) were later pulled down and only replaced in the 1980s/90s. My house is in Burdett Road and my back garden abuts these houses. We find burned brick and bits of machinery whenever we dig.

Dominic Sayers
Friday 28th of November 2014 05:18:29 PM
Not seen the site you refer to but a lot of incendiary devices were dropped. Relatively small they would crash through the roofs of buildings and set the inside ablaze. You will see what appear to be many intact but burnt out houses on this site.

Tuesday 1st of September 2015 01:06:09 AM

Saturday 18th of January 2014 08:42:12 PM
PARK RD changed to LEITH RD

Saturday 18th of January 2014 08:39:30 PM

Saturday 18th of January 2014 08:37:51 PM

Saturday 18th of January 2014 08:18:44 PM

Saturday 18th of January 2014 08:18:05 PM
Gas Factory Junction

Hermann the German
Saturday 12th of October 2013 03:27:53 PM
Bow Road Station (Great Eastern Railway). Closed completely on 7th December 1964.

Hermann the German
Saturday 12th of October 2013 03:20:10 PM

User Comment Contributions

This picture clearly shows massive demolition beyond Agnes Street and Clemence Street between Burdett Road and Locksley Street. Yet the bomb data shows no bomb north of Pixley Street or east of Dora Street.

Bomb Sight data again: http://bombsight.org/bombs/29651/

I'd be surprised if destruction on this scale was the result of incendiary devices.

Dominic Sayers
Friday 24th of February 2017 01:52:39 PM
Hi Dominic. As a kid I played on the bomb sites between Locksley and Burdett. "BOMB SITE' shows where bombs fell between 7/10/1940 and 6/6/41. The Blitz began on September 7, 1940 with the bombing of East London. So you are correct. Bombs did fall on that area that are not shown on the Bomb Site map. There were degrees of damage to houses. From destroyed to bomb blasted such as those of Burdett Road that were finally demolished in the early 1950's. Check out 'Collage London Photo Archive' for superb photos of that area in the 50's including Pixley Street. Key in Locksley Street or Turners.

All the best Ray.

ray Glenister
Friday 24th of February 2017 01:52:39 PM